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For those of you who have not heard of STEAM, it means Science Technology Engineering Art and Mathematics.  STEAM is adding art to STEM in terms of educational thinking.  In fact, both STEM and STEAM are important.  Check out these articles for more information:

Since we homeschool, we know our son is getting a great STEAM education.  In fact, we know our son does a lot more STEAM than most. I wrote a blog, “Summer Science Homeschool Style,”  that covers the science kits we used as well as lots of free resources.  However, science is just one part of STEAM.  And, there are lots of ways to have children experience more STEAM activities.

The following list is not exhaustive but rather a way to give you ideas.  Here are some great ways to help your children or students get more STEAM experiences:

You do not have to have a kit to create STEAM experiences.  In fact, the best STEM/STEAM kits are the ones that are open-ended or one that is easy to add-on.  Sometimes it takes a little creativity to “hack” a kit or mix kits to expand on the experience.  Our son is notorious for hacking almost every single kit or gift he receives.  In addition, you can combine any science kit with books and additional materials to go more in depth. Remember, museums also offer great STEAM experiences.  Whether you choose to use kits or the DIY method, the point is to go explore via playing, creating, taking apart, or hacking.  Hands-on STEAM experiences are all around us.


This blog article is part of the Hoagies’ Gifted Education Page Blog Hop on “All Things Science.”  I thank my friends at Hoagies’ Gifted Education Page and elsewhere for their inspiration, support, and suggestions.

Please click on the graphic below (created by Pamela S Ryan–thanks!) to see the other Hoagies’ Blog Hop participants, or cut and paste this URL into your browser:

